IT-Security Solutions by MPTR

We are the digital armor of your business

MPTR IT-Security

IT security is crucial field for every company – wheter it is an online business or not. Various security measures protect sensitive data and the company’s digital infrastructure. Properly designed digital security prevents the loss of critical data and, in the event of a possible shutdown, thus avoiding business interruption in the everyday working – saving significant costs for the company. Our expert team of assesses your digital activity as a first step. Then, in cooperation with you, we make recommendations for the development of a security strategy with personalized advice, and then build and test the digital protection of the business. We don’t leave you alone even after the system has been set up: we monitor and install updates. Our security solutions are characterized by innovation, reliability and a customer-oriented approach. Move towards a secure future where your company’s digital security is always at the highest level!

Let’s work toghether, because…

We protect your sensitive data

Such valuable information for example like business secrets, customer- and personal data and financial information. IT security protects this data against outer access, theft and leakage. This was we ensure the integrity of your business.

We prevent data loss and system shutdowns

Work effectively is only possible in an environment where the smooth operation of digital processes are being ensured. Error-free digital operation helps the your company in continuous and uninterrupted everyday work, thereby increasing productivity and customer experience.

We specialized ourselves in cyber security

One of the a key area for cyber security is the server management. This is trhe field where all the data is stored and operated. We can ensure that when you work with us, your data will be safe because the servers we provide you meet the newest cyber security challenges.

We increase the trust of your customers

IT security is essential factor to maintain the trust of your users in the online environment you provide. Reliable and secure online experiences gives a better user experience and increases customer's activity.

We are motivated and take on your website responsibility

We don’t agree with half-measure solutions, we do our best for each and every project. Customer satisfaction is one of our driving forces.

We communicate clearly

All necessary maintenance or other processes are carried out in close cooperation with our customer. There is no side talk, we are honest and communicate the technology details clearly.